The World’s Best Education Is At TCM EDUCATION
Hello Everyone!! I am Ajai Singh, Founder and CEO of Toil Chamber of Mathematics Pvt. Ltd. (TCM Education),
a leading national brand, based in Prayagraj, for CAT, CLAT, IPMAT & OMET exams. The identity
that I love the most is of being a mentor and teacher to young minds. Teaching has always been my
first love, right from my childhood. I hail from a business family,
so joining it should have been an obvious choice. I flirted with the idea
during my adolescence but then my knack for numbers and aptitude landed me
into several corporate and Government jobs with minimum efforts.
On my last
job, with Indian Railways, I realized that knowledge beseeches dissemination
and the Goddess of wisdom smiles upon those who spread the light of it.
So I chucked that life of boredom and privilege and went head-along into
the world of competitive exams.
Twenty years down the line, I have the
honour of leading the vanguard and being the influence and inspiration
of stellar results year after year in CAT, CLAT and IPMAT. My students
are the living testimonials of the difference that I am making in the
lives and careers of ignited minds. Also, I have the honour and privilege
of generating employment and opportunities for agents of change (also known as Teachers
in various domains of Aptitude Exams. I primarily teach Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning
but my organization has the best people to help you with Verbal Ability, Legal Aptitude, General Knowledge, Data Interpretation, Logical Reasoning, Legal Reasoning, and counseling for career progression. Come and be a part of the TCM Success story.

(Founder & Cheif Mentor)