Terms & Condition

Please read the terms & conditions carefully before you access to the services provided by Toil Chamber of Mathematic Pvt Ltd (TCM).

In case you disagree with any part of the terms, you may not access the services.



Registration Agreement: The “Student Registration Form” is the Registration Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) between the applicant and Toil Chamber of Mathematics Pvt. Ltd. (TCM).






1.      Different courses have different fee-structure for which information is stated in our website and application.

2.      The content on the website is for your general information and use only. It is subject to change without notice.

3.      Neither we nor any third parties provide any warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness of the information and materials found or offered on this website for any particular purpose. You may find that such information and materials may contain inaccuracies or errors and we expressly exclude liability for any such inaccuracies or errors to the fullest extent permitted by law.



4. The syllabus is divided into various units and sections such that the Course is planned to be completed within a specific time frame. The course schedule may change anytime.

5. It is expected that the student should attend all the classes and appear in tests to get the full benefit of the Course and sustain his eligibility for course benefits.

6. Registration/Admission to a Course is not transferable to any other individual/entity in any circumstances.
7. Students are not authorised to provide, sell or loan any material, assets, workbooks, notes etc provided to him, to a third party. If any student is found out with sharing the ID and password with other students then his/her classes will be blocked.
8. Students will be issued with ID cards upon registration, which is expected to be there with Students at all time during classes and they should produce it upon request during off-line classes.

9. The use of our products and services provided for herein is solely for your personal and non-commercial use. Any use of the Pendrive or its content other than for personal purposes is prohibited. Your personal and non-commercial use of this Pen drive and / or our services shall be subjected to the following restrictions:

·         You may not decompile, reverse engineer, or disassemble the contents of the Pen drive and / or our products, or remove any copyright, trademark registration, or other proprietary notices from the contents of the Pen drive and / or our products.

·         You will not 

          (a) use our product or service for any commercial purpose, or 

          (b) advertise or sell any products, services or otherwise (whether or not for profit), or solicit others (including, without limitation, solicitations for contributions or donations) or use any public forum for commercial purposes of any kind, or 

          (c) use the Pen drive and / or our products and services in any way that is unlawful, or harms TCM.

10. We may also contact the user through SMS, email and call to give notifications on various important updates. Therefore, TCM is not liable to any liabilities including financial penalties, damages, expenses in case the user’s mobile number is registered with Do not Call (DNC) database.



Students are advised-
1.  Do not carry any valuables to the study centre or the Institute and the management is not responsible for any loss or damage of the same.
2. Are expected to keep the utmost level of discipline, while they are in the study centre premises. A student should not involve him/herself in disruption/disturbance of teaching student, administrative work, and curricular activity, including any attempt to prevent any staff member of TCM from carrying on his/her work and any act reasonably like to cause such disruption.
3. Not to involve in damaging or defacing study centre’s Property, Equipment and Facilities available at the study centre.

4. To behave responsibly and help TCM for better upkeep and maintenance of the property and equipment available at the study centre.
5. The student should not use abusive and derogatory languages while they are present at the study centre.
6. Eatables and any type of drinking items are strictly prohibited in the classrooms.
7. Students should keep their mobile phone on silent mode. Staff members of TCM are empowered to withhold/ confiscate in the interest of other students.
TCM may levy a suitable penalty or fine a student including cancellation of registration for violation of guidelines.



In case a student desires to seek a transfer from one study centre to another, then he/she has to make an application, stating the reasons for the request.

A transfer is Subject to-



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